Analog Devices LTM8052EV DEMO CIRCUIT 1866A

The LTM8052 from Analog Devices has root cause. Analog Devices Power System Management power system. Learn more about their featured power products.

**Transcripted Text**

Demo board DC1866 features the LTM8052, a 36-volt input step down micro module regulator with adjustable output voltage and output current limit. This means the LTM8052 will regulate either the user set output voltage or the output current, which can be a useful protection feature as we will soon demonstrate.

The LTM8052 has the ability to transfer excess charge back to its input in the event that the output voltage exceeds the regulation voltage. In this example, the feedback resistor has been changed to provide a nominal output voltage of 12 volts to drive our load. A 12 volt brushed permanent magnetic DC motor.

Using a resistor divider between the referring ground, the current limit has been reduced from the default value of 6 amps to 4.8 amps. Our input supply voltage is 24 volts. In constant voltage regulation mode, the nominal 12-volt output is maintained, while the load our DC motor draws 550 milliamps.

The constant current operation protects the circuit in case a motor input wire shorts to ground which may be caused by cracked, worn, or otherwise compromised wiring insulation. If a short circuit occurs, the current flowing from the demo board output to ground
briefly spikes due to the up.

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