Building Smart Homes and Cities with Infineon

Semiconductor powered solutions, combined with an extremely high IQ profile, are now leading the way in pushing for more intelligent, connected technology globally. While some parts of the world still consider smart homes to be a luxury, other global regions portray an unprecedented sales growth of smart devices.

Homes and cities with greater connectivity, as seen in Europe and the Americas require an integrated cyber physical network with the highest security.

In certain regions, like South America and South Asia, the power grid commonly experiences extreme power line voltage spikes, brown-outs and outages.

Mega-cities in Asia-Pacific and Japan demand new minimalistic living concepts to solve over-crowding. 

Customized solutions that address the demands and realities of these regions are gaining tremendous traction. This is based on advanced semiconductor know-how from the world’s top semiconductor leaders like Infineon Technologies that deliver a breadth of solutions.

Technological integration can be done at many levels. The infrastructure can benefit from various elements such as smart metering, intelligent solar grids, smart lighting, smart HVAC systems & appliances driven by higher efficiency motor control, and intelligent decision making processes. 

Infineon provides a comprehensive portfolio for solar applications, confirming its number one with leading edge technology like Superjunction MOSFET’s, Silicon Carbide MOSFET’s, Trench plus Fieldstop IGBT’s & Coreless transformer driver’s combining rich experience to ensure 5 plus year lifetimes for string inverters and 25 year for micro inverters and optimizers. Efficiency and reliability leads to a stronger and more resilient grid.

Converting modern systems, like air conditioning, refrigeration, and washing machines from old brushed motors to modern brushless ones drastically improves efficiency.  For example, variable speed drives can reduce the power requirements of a compressor by more than 80%, enabling a massive efficiency gain and lower power bills. Intelligent control like iMotion MCE, XMC1300 and IPM’s allow both appliances and the power grid to react accordingly to power needs while reducing their carbon footprint.

When it comes to consumer electronics, smaller and thinner form-factor is often desired. To meet the demands of today’s smartphone chargers and adapters, Infineon offers a broad selection of reliable PWM Control and PFC IC’s, and highly efficient cost and performance MOSFETs, such as CoolMOS CE and OptiMOS 5.

With its high potential for energy savings and long lifetime, omnipresent LED lighting is now the top choice. It is becoming more human-centric with a focus on reduced-usage and greater controllability. Dimming LED controllers allow for a flexible solution that comprises of CDM10V, ICL8105, IRS2982S, and XMC1000. These controllers implement flyback power conversion giving them wide inputs that keep the lights on even if the power grid has slipped out of spec. Being able to sense various types of feedback is crucial. Infineon's Hall, Angle & 3D Sensors enable torque & speed control and more.

As underlying technologies are now adapted and available for global realities; also critical for a secure, connected home is the implementation of the right level anti-hacker security systems. For example, OPTIGA grade security products, which are scalable across platforms. For all your Smart City needs, think Infineon. The technology that achieves more, consumes less and is accessible to all. Part of your life. Part of tomorrow.

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