Innovate for Safety with Analog Devices Smart Impact Detection

Learn more about how to elevate your next smart impact design.

Smart impact detection allows companies to monitor asset health and improve supply chain operations as they can capture and receive real-time information during a destructive impact event. Analog Devices has created a reference design application demo to provide an easier way to prototype your smart impact detection solution.

The demo board includes the EVAL-ADICUP3029 — an ultra-low power Arduino-compatible microprocessor board with Bluetooth® capabilities, and the EVAL-ADXL372-ARDZ — an Arduino shield that features a low power, 3-axis, ±200g MEMS accelerometer. Together, these demo boards are designed for use in multiple applications such as onboard a truck fleet, mounted on a highway safety guard rail, or any other place where you’d like to capture impact data. And with Bluetooth enabled, you can monitor the device in real time with the Analog Devices smart app on any smart device.

Learn more about how your next smart impact design can benefit from incorporating this demo from Analog Devices.

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