Introducing the Analog Devices ADXL372 Accelerometer

The ADXL372 from Analog Devices is an ultralow power, 3-axis, ±200 g MEMS accelerometer with impact detection features, multimode output first in, first out (FIFO), and several activity detection modes. Watch this video for a more in-depth look at the ADXL372 and its applications.

The ADXL372 is an ultralow power, 3-axis, ±200 g MEMS accelerometer with impact detection features, multimode output first in, first out (FIFO), and several activity detection modes. Watch this video for a more in-depth look at the ADXL372 and its applications.

Hi, my name is Neil Zhao and I'm from Analog Devices Industrial Sensing Technology Group. And in this video we will discuss the frequently used operating modes of the ultralow power high-g accelerometer ADXL372. The ADXL372 is designed for the impact and shock detection with the extremely low power consumption.

As the ADXL372 is a pin to pin compact bulb, with the industry leading ultralow power low-g accelerometer ADXL362, we can reuse the ADXL362 solid board to evaluate the ADXL372. The ADXL372 instant on-mode is an innovation mode that continuously monitors the environment for impact event in analog domain with a built-in comparator.

In the demo we can see when the acceleration is lower than the built-in threshold, there is no digitized acceleration output and the power consumption is lower than 2 microamp. When we add a shock event on the board to make the acceleration exceed its built-in threshold. The ADL372 switches into full bandwidth environment mode immediately and can capture the impact profile. The built-in threshold is either 10g to 15g or 30g to 40g. It can be chosen by using instant-on threshold Bit.

If we want to use the other threshold and still monitor the vibration and the shock event with just several microamp, the auto sleep mode can be used. For example, set the activity threshold to 2g then when there is no acceleration over the threshold the ADXL372 will work in wake-up mode and wake-up at some point of acceleration at specified time. The wake-up rate can be chosen according to different application scenarios.

Once I shake the board to generate the sustained motion, the ADXL372 will recognize the activity event and switch into full bandwidth environment mode automatically. Then, if I keep the board stable for mode's specified time the ADXL372 will return to wake-up mode automatically.

When the application is not only interested in the impact profile but also the continuous acceleration change before the impact event, then full bandwidth environment mode plus the triggered mode FIFO can be used. With such configuration, the processor can be kept in sleep mode before the impact event. Once the impact is detected, the ADXL372 will save the acceleration surrounding the trigger event automatically and will interrupt to processor.

The ADXL372 can save as many as 170 sample size of concurrent 3-Axis data before the trigger event to make sure nothing was missed before the impact event, even when the processor is in sleep-mode.

In the full bandwidth environment mode, the power consumption depends on the different output rate and the different power supply. From the demo we can find out with the typical 2.5 volt supply when output data rate is 3.2 kilohertz the output current is around 20 microamp. When I lower the output data rate to 400 hertz the ADXL372 power consumption adjusts to around 10 microamp.

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