Saving Board Space Using Low-ESR Polymer Capacitors

Tantalum/polymer capacitors from AVX offer numerous advantages over MLCC capacitors, including voltage and temperature coefficients that are more stable over a broader range of temperature ranges. By switching to a single Ta/poly capacitor, it can be possible to replace several MLCCs, saving board space and making your design more resilient.

In testing, the family of polymer capacitors from AVX, including Ta/Polymer, Ta-MnO2, NbO-MnO2, and Ta-MnO2, have outperformed MLCC and aluminum capacitors in several critical areas. ESR level, capacitance stability vs temperature, capacitance stability vs DC voltage bias, ESR stability vs temperature, AC Vrms at 25°C, Vrms stability vs temperature, and capacitance stability vs DC voltage bias all show improved performance as compared to their MLCC or AL predecessors. When selecting a polymer capacitor for your application, it’s important to consider factors such as capacitance stability, ESR stability, and temperature range. With the range of capacitors available from AVX, including options with different construction methods and materials, it’s now easier to select a specialized option for your design that will provide the reliability and efficiency that your customers desire.   


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