Sensor-to-Cloud Vision Based Sensing for Occupancy Detection

Sensor-to-Cloud Vision Based Sensing for Occupancy Detection

The video showcases an integrated optical detector and front-end technology for advanced gesture recognition. Real- time image and gesture analytics on the Smart Sensing Edge Node. Smart building space, energy and access management using advanced sensing.  Demo is based on The Blackfin Low-power Imaging Platform (BLIP). It is a low cost, low power embedded computer vision platform targeting a vast array of real-time sensing applications. This solution offers end equipment manufacturers an out-of-the box form factor development platform with multiple functional profiles covering intelligent motion sensing, people counting, vehicle detection, and face detection deployable in both indoor and outdoor use cases. 


Applications the BLIP can support include:

Indoor/outdoor lighting control
HVAC system control
Access control systems
Premise monitoring systems
In-vehicle occupancy detection
Logistics/retail analytics

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