Designing secure, cloud-connected systems does not have to be an exhaustive process.
Google and Microchip have partnered to make an extremely easy to use, secure, and low power IoT development platform called the AVR-IoT WG development board, offering a perfect starting point for engineers creating almost any IoT device, ranging from wireless sensor nodes to intelligent lighting systems. This plug-and-play solution combines a powerful AVR® microcontroller (MCU), a CryptoAuthentication™ secure element and a fully-certified Wi-Fi® module to provide a simple and effective way to connect embedded applications to Google’s Cloud IoT Core platform.
Out of the box this device can connect to a Wi-Fi network and begin transmitting sensitive data to the Google cloud in 30 seconds or less. Watch this video to learn the extremely easy steps to take to get started with the AVR-IoT WG Development Board.