101020492, Grove - 3-Axis Digital Compass v2.0

Seeed Technology Co.,Ltd の部品 BMM150 を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Seeed Technology Co.,Ltd
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • 3-Axis Mobile Applications


  • 101020492, Grove - 3-Axis Digital Compass v2.0 is a digital compass sensor based on Bosch BMM150. It allows measurement of the magnetic field in three perpendicular axes and the output can be read out over I2C and SPI interface, perfectly suitable for 3-Axis mobile applications. This is the second generation of Grove - 3-Axis Digital Compass, comparing to the first version, this version can perfectly match the demanding requirements of all 3-Axis applications while the price is almost half of the first version, very cost effective


  • Input Signal Amplitude
    3.3|5 V

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