AD9510-VCO/PCB, Evaluation Board for Evaluating the AD9510 245.76 MHz VCXO Clock Generator and Synthesizer

Analog Devices の部品 AD9510BCPZ を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Analog Devices
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Clock Management and Distribution
  • Portable Instrumentation
  • Wireless Infrastructure


  • AD9510-VCO/PCB, Evaluation Board for the AD9510 is a highly sophisticated, performance clock distribution part with numerous user programmable functions. This board includes a 245.76 MHz VCXO and loop filter. The AD9510 provides a multi-output clock distribution function along with an on-chip phase-locked loop (PLL) core. The design emphasizes low jitter and phase noise to maximize data converter performance. Other applications with demanding phase noise and jitter requirements also benefit from this part


  • Output Frequency
    245.76 MHz

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