CM3 DEV KIT, Compute Module IO Board V3 based on BCM2837 ARM Cortex-A53 Application Processor

Raspberry Pi Foundation の部品 PAM2306AYPKE を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Raspberry Pi Foundation
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Industrial Applications


  • CM3 DEV KIT, Compute Module IO Board V3 is a development kit for those who wish to make use of the Raspberry Pi in a more flexible form factor, intended for industrial applications. The IO Board V3 is made for developing with CM3, CM3L, and CM1. The Compute Module contains the guts of a Raspberry Pi 3 (the BCM2837 processor and 1GB RAM). The accompanying IO Board is a simple, open-source breakout board that you can plug a Compute Module into. The board hosts 120 GPIO pins, an HDMI port, a USB port, two camera ports, and two display ports


  • Embedded System Type
  • Core Processor
    ARM Cortex-A53
  • Platform
    Raspberry Pi Compute 3 Kit

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