DEV-15795, SparkFun Qwiic Pro Micro USB-C Development Kit based on ATmega32U4

SparkFun Electronics の部品 ATmega32U4 を使用したリファレンス デザイン


SparkFun Electronics
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • USB Interfaces


  • DEV-15795, SparkFun Qwiic Pro Micro is a revision of the original Pro Micro and is, overall, functionally the same as the previous version. The board is the same size as the original Pro Micro but we added a few additional features by shrinking down some components on the board such as a reset button, Qwiic connector, USB-C, and castellated pads (this makes it really handy for you custom keyboard creators out there). Think the Pro Mini except with an ATmega32U4 on board and full USB functionality. This tiny little board does all of the neat-o Arduino tricks that you're familiar with: nine channels of 10-bit ADC, five PWM pins, 12 DIOs as well as hardware serial connections Rx and Tx. Running at 5V and 16MHz, this board will remind you a lot of your other favorite Arduino-compatible boards but this little guy can go just about anywhere

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