EVAL-6SOT23EBZ, Evaluation Board for 6-Lead SOT-23 Devices in the Switches & Multiplexers Portfolio

Analog Devices の部品 ADG1201 を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Analog Devices
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Avionics
  • Unmanned Systems


  • EVAL-6SOT23EBZ, Evaluation Board evaluates 6-lead SOT-23 devices in the Switches and Multiplexers Portfolio that are purchased separately. A clamp is supplied with the EVAL6SOT23EBZ to secure a 6-lead SOT-23 device to the evaluation board without the need for soldering, making the board reusable for multiple devices. A device can be clamped or soldered to the center of the evaluation board. Each pin of the device has a corresponding link from K1 to K6 that can be set to either VDD or GND. A wire screw terminal supplies VDD and GND. SMB connectors on the board allow additional external signals to be supplied to the device

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