EVAL-ADAU1452MINIZ, Evaluation Board for Evaluating the ADAU1452 SigmaDSP Audio Processor

Analog Devices の部品 ADAU1452WBCPZ を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Analog Devices
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Audio
  • Automotive and Transportation
  • Navigation System
  • Rear Seat Entertainment


  • EVAL-ADAU1452MINIZ, Evaluation Board for Evaluating the ADAU1452 SigmaDSP Audio Processor. This evaluation board provides access to the digital serial audio ports of the ADAU1452, as well as some of its general purpose I/O. Analog I/O is provided by the included AD1938 codec. The ADAU1452 core is controlled by Sigma Studio software, which interfaces to the board via a USB connection. The board is powered by a 6V DV supply, which is regulated to the voltages required on the board. The board contains connectors for external analog inputs and outputs and optical S/PDIF interfaces. The master clock is provided by the integrated oscillator circuit and on-board 12.288 MHz passive crystal


  • CODEC Resolution
    24 Bit

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