EVAL-MELODY-5, Audio/Video Evaluation Board for Routing DVI/HDMI Video and Decoding high-quality Digital Audio Signals

Analog Devices の部品 ADV7625KBCZ-8 を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Analog Devices
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Audio Routing
  • Audio-Video Device
  • Video Routing


  • EVAL-MELODY-5, Audio/Video Evaluation Board is a platform that allows users to evaluate the products intended for routing DVI/HDMI video and decoding high-quality digital audio signals. The evaluation board provides a Blackfin ADSP-BF524 processor for system control and two SHARC ADSP-21489 processors for audio decoding. Note that appropriate licenses must be verified to receive SHARC firmware, which supports audio decode firmware. This evaluation board includes high-bandwidth digital content protection (HDCP) technology and is only available to licensees of HDCP


  • Video Interface Type

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