FMC-ADC01-5-1-0, FPGA Mezzanine Card for the ADS6424, 12 bit, 4-channel, 105 MSPS Analog to Digital Converter

Dallas Logic Corporation の部品 ADS6424IRGC を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Dallas Logic Corporation
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • AV Receiver
  • Medical Imaging
  • Test Equipment
  • Wireless Base Station


  • FMC-ADC01-5-1-0, FPGA Mezzanine Card for the ADS6424, 12 bit, 4-channel, 105 MSPS Analog to Digital Converter. The data backhaul is provided as a multi-bit Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) interface. All power, control, and digital interfaces are connected to the carrier card using the VITA 57.1 Low Pin Count (LPC) connector. The analog signals, external clock, and trigger interfaces are on front panel MMCX coaxial connectors


  • ADC Resolution
    12 Bit
  • ADC Sampling Rate
    105M SPS
  • Number of Channels

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