GPS-09817, GPS Shield Development Kit based on EM406 GPS Module

SparkFun Electronics の部品 EM406 を使用したリファレンス デザイン


SparkFun Electronics
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Receivers


  • GPS-09817, GPS Evaluation Shield. We've added a header for the SUP500 GPS module. Adding GPS to your Arduino has never been easier. The multiple GPS receivers attach easily to the shield and with the example sketch. GPS also gives you amazingly accurate time. With the GPS Shield you can add GPS functionality to your Arduino. A connector for the popular EM-406 GPS receiver is populated on the board and footprints for EM-408 and EB-85A/FV-M8 connectors are also made available. The regular GPS pins (RX, TX, PPS, etc.) are also broken out to a 10-pin 0.1 pitch header and a small prototyping area is also provided


  • Modulation Type

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