HDMI/DVI Video Interface Reference Design using the LatticeECP3 Video Protocol Board and HDMI Mezzanine Card

Lattice Semiconductor の部品 LFE3-95EA-7FN1156C を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Lattice Semiconductor
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Consumer Electronics
  • Video and Imaging


  • DVI (Digital Visual Interface) and HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) have emerged as the dominant standards for connecting digital display devices like a PC monitor and HDTV. DVI only carries uncompressed video data, whereas HDMI can transfer both uncompressed digital video and multi-channel audio over a single cable. Developed specifically to address the unique requirements of the consumer electronics market, HDMI offers additional enhancements including the support of the YCbCr color space format, and the universal remote control capability through Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) protocol. HDMI-enabled display devices are backward-compatible with DVI-based PCs so users can display the PC contents on their HDTV. Both reference designs have been validated using the LatticeECP3 Video Protocol Board and HDMI Mezzanine Card. The reference design consists of the HDMI Transmitter and Receiver cores which are compatible with both HDMI and DVI physical layer protocols


  • Video Interface Type

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