MIKROE-3214, Stepper 6 Click Board is the Complete Integrated Bipolar Step Motor Driver Solution

MikroElektronika の部品 DRV8886 を使用したリファレンス デザイン


  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • 3D Printer
  • CNC Machine
  • Industrial Automation HMI
  • Patient Bed
  • Security Camera


  • MIKROE-3214, Stepper 6 Click Board is the complete integrated bipolar step motor driver solution. It comes with the abundance of features that allow silent operation and optimal working conditions for the connected motor. A specialized integrated driver chip on this Click board far exceeds the capabilities of similar, commonly used step motor drivers. It comes in the package which also includes the mikroSDK software, and a library with all the functions. The Click board comes as a fully tested and approved prototype, making it a reliable device ready to use on the development board. Stepper 6 click is a perfect solution for any application that requires an efficient and reliable motor driver. It can be used in 3D printers, laser printers, laser engravers, video security cameras, factory automatization, robotics, and other similar applications


  • Motor Type
    Stepper Motor

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