MIKROE-3217, IR Grid 3 Click Board based on MLX90640 Thermal Imaging Sensor

MikroElektronika の部品 MLX90640ESF-BAA-000-TU を使用したリファレンス デザイン


  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Human Presence Detection
  • Temperature Control System
  • Thermal Management
  • Thermal Scanner


  • MIKROE-3217, IR Grid 3 Click Board is a thermal imaging sensor. It has an array of 768 very sensitive, factory calibrated IR elements (pixels), arranged in 32 rows of 24 pixels, each measuring an object temperature up to 300 degree-C within its local Field of View (FOV). The MLX90640-BAA IR sensor used on this Click board has only four pins and it is mounted inside of the industry standard TO39 package. The Click board comes as a fully tested and approved prototype, making it a reliable device ready to use on the development board. The full package also includes the mikroSDK software and a library with all the functions


  • Input Signal Amplitude
    3.3|5 V

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