RGB LED Reference Design

Lattice Semiconductor の部品 iCE40 を使用したリファレンス デザイン


Lattice Semiconductor
  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Displays
  • Lighting


  • RGB LED Reference Design. A low cost solution to add a fully controlled RGB LED to any design. Complete control of RGB LEDs - control the color, blink rate, brightness and breathing (turn on/turn off speed). Using an SPI interface and software GUI, users can control all four RGB LED control functions from a MAC or Windows PC via a USB cable. Low-cost, rapid customization - Offers a low-cost route to adding a fully controlled LED into any type of design, the Lattice RGB reference design allows rapid customization of LED operation for a given application


  • Number of Derived Elements

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