SPX-14687, Robotic Finger Sensor v2 Development Kit

SparkFun Electronics の部品 VCNL4040 を使用したリファレンス デザイン


SparkFun Electronics
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  • Robotic Finger Sensor


  • SPX-14687, Robotic Finger Sensor (RFS) uses a unique combination of infrared distance sensing, pressure sensing, optical encapsulant and data filtering to detect extremely light touches. Additionally, the silicon covering is squishy, giving the sensor increased grip (friction). IR light from the VCNL4040 distance sensor dramatically scatters when an object like a white coffee cup or human skin comes in contact with the face of the sensor. Once contact has been made the LPS25HB pressure sensor is able to quantitatively detect how hard the sensor is pressing against the surface. We've written fully featured Arduino libraries for the VCNL4040 and LPS25HB sensors

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