Typical Application for TCR5SB44A, 150mA, 4.4V Output Voltage CMOS Low-Dropout Regulator

Toshiba の部品 TCR5SB44A を使用したリファレンス デザイン


  • アプリケーションカテゴリ
  • 製品タイプ


  • Cellular Phone
  • Portable


  • Typical Application for TCR5SB44A, 150mA, 4.4V Output Voltage CMOS Low-Dropout Regulator. The TCR5SB18A to TCR5SB50A are CMOS general-purpose single-output voltage regulators with an on/off control input, featuring low dropout voltage and low quiescent bias current. The TCR5SB18A to TCR5SB50A can be enabled and disabled via the CONTROL pin. These voltage regulators are available in fixed output voltages between 1.8V and 5V in 0.1V steps and capable of driving up to 150 mA. They feature overcurrent protection. The TCR5SB18A to TCR5SB50A are offered in the compact SMV (SOT25) (SC-74A) and allow the use of small ceramic input and output capacitors


  • Conversion Type
    DC to DC
  • Output Voltage
    4.4 V
  • Topology

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