ADF4377: Microwave wideband synthesizer with integrated VCO

The ADF4377 is a high performance, ultralow jitter, dual output integer-N phased locked loop (PLL) with integrated voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) ideally suited for data converter and mixed-signal front end (MxFE®) clock applications. The high-performance PLL can achieve ultralow in-band noise and integrated jitter, and the fundamental VCO and output divider generate frequencies from 800MHz to 12.8 GHz.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Fundamental, native VCO connects directly to data converters, eliminating the need for filtering and amplification
  • Low in-band phase noise delivers low jitter clocks for demanding data converter applications
  • Easy to use multipart synchronization with outstanding low time drift over temperature


  • Instrumentation and Measurement: Data acquisition systems
  • Aerospace and Defense: Radar, covert communications
  • Communications: 5G data converter clocking
  • General Purpose: High-speed data converter clocking

Evaluation Board

The ADF4377 can be evaluated with the EV-ADF4377SD1Z.

Block Diagrams and Tables

ADF4377 Diagram
ADF4377 Chip Diagram



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