
Developing cutting-edge products for wired/wireless communications, instrumentation, radar, electronic warfare, or other modern applications?Data conversion is an integral part of any of these, and today’s expectation for data throughput necessitates higher-speed components.In this article, find out more about Analog Devices’ high-speed digital/analog and analog/digital converters that provide rates of up to 30 MSPS.

Digital-to-Analog Converters

ADI high-speed (≥30MSPS) digital-to-analog converters (DACs) include wideband radio frequency, intermediate frequency signal processing, and general-purpose baseband classes.With resolutions ranging from 8-to-16-bits, there’s a solution for your application.

This portfolio of products is designed for integration with other ADI products including direct digital synthesis ICs, fast precision D/A converters, mixed-signal front ends, quadrature digital up-converters, and standard high-speed D/A converters.

Analog-to-Digital Converters

ADI high-speed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) offer the best performance and highest sampling speed in the market.The product offerings include high IF ADCs (10 MSPS to 125 MSPS), low IF ADCs (125 MSPS to 1 GSPS), integrated receivers, and wideband ADCs (>1 GSPS).The high-speed ADC portfolio offers solutions for all high-speed conversion applications.

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