Belden's Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) enables end-to-end ethernet networks

From the sensor to the cloud with limited space and weight: Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) cables optimize IIoT infrastructure, enable edge connectivity and industrial automation.

As IT/OT convergence and further infrastructure digitization is driven by our current environment, SPE gives operators the ability to bring Ethernet to the edge.

DataTuff Single Pair Ethernet cables provide high-speed data communication and power over a single twisted pair, simplifying network infrastructure while minimizing cable footprint.

Benefit from edge-to-cloud connectivity with 50 W Power over Data Line (PoDL) capability, making it easy to connect more devices. You don’t need any additional gateway devices, the universal EtherNet/IP protocol saves you costs.

With a bandwidth of 1 Gbps and a range of 40 m, the SPE for medium distances is ideal for manufacturing cells, on-machine and robotic applications and reduces cable weight and size. The two-conductor design also simplifies installation and minimizes the labor cost of installation and troubleshooting.

With a bandwidth of 10 Mbps and a range of 1 km, the long distance SPE is best suited for the industrial edge to establish IIoT infrastructure throughout a facility while consolidating electronic devices in a network. Bringing data from the edge to the control center or cloud provides maximum visibility, flexibility, and insights for process optimization.

Watch the free on-demand SPE Webinar to find out about the driving
factors urging for SPE, discussing several use case examples.


Several networking components support the SPE connectivity. See as example Lion-X or Octopus 8TX PoE-EEC.

The LioN-X portfolio includes various IO-Link masters with four implemented fieldbus protocols as well as different IIoT protocols.

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Octopus 8TX PoE-EEC
The two unmanaged Ethernet Switches with protective metal housing are designed for reliable and secure data transmission and video streaming in harsh industrial environments.

View Product Bulletin

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