Ensuring Communication Quality and Filtering for Power Over Coax

The Power over Coax (PoC) approach of automotive communication design is gaining popularity, particularly as it works very well with the fast and smart interfaces in cars. Learn more about how the PoC approach combines communication signals and power supply within a single coaxial cable in this informative article from TDK.

When designing an automotive communication interface with the PoC approach, which combines communication signals and power supply into a single coaxial cable, a PoC filter is required. The PoC filter must use inductors and chip beads to prevent the signal from passing through the power supply line. The PoC filter requires inductors that realize high impedance for AC components over low to high frequencies. These requirements are imperative to maintaining the overall communication quality, which in turn can prevent malfunction and safety issues.

Inductors that are specifically designed for PoC filters allow for a smaller footprint as they provide a reduced parts count. Comparatively, a conventional multilayer inductor requires multiple coils to realize high impedance over a wide frequency range. Conventional multilayer inductors also require a higher number of windings, which results in increased DC resistance. Purpose-designed PoC filter inductors from TDK adopt the single-layer coil structure. This reduces parasitic capacitance for higher resonant frequency.

Learn more and see examples of how the PoC approach can improve the quality and performance of your next automotive communication interface design in this article from TDK. 

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