Arrow’s guide to battery management systems (BMS)

What is a BMS, SOC and SOH? When and how are they used? Elevate your overall battery system vocabulary and knowledge with this detailed guide from Arrow.

A battery management system (BMS) is an electronic system that manages and monitors rechargeable batteries for safe, reliable and efficient operation. To effectively design with or for a battery management system, it’s important to have a good deal of knowledge about how it all works.

Besides providing a safe operating environment, a good BMS design can reduce the cost of the pack itself by enabling the maximum use of the energy available. To avoid over-discharging, overcharging, imbalanced temperatures and using too much energy, battery management systems continuously scan the battery for faults and abnormal conditions. A battery management system can also accurately estimate a batteries capacity to predict range and ensure a balanced battery pack with even voltage levels, which lead to a longer lifespan. Both of these factors are particularly useful for EV operation.

Ready to learn more? Discover Arrow’s complete guide to battery management systems. This guide includes useful definitions, use-cases and a look into the battery management system development ecosystem and its components, including tools, software and hardware components that are used to design, develop, test, and deploy for different applications.




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