How to choose the best third-party optics provider

Learn why and how tier 1 wireless carriers and other leading businesses switch from OEM to third-party optics.

Switching from OEM to third-party optics can seem like a monumental hurdle to overcome, or to avoid all together. Why? Because transitioning from OEM to third-party optics could present some legitimate concerns, including reliability, compatibility and interoperability.

But if switching from OEM optics to third-party optics presents serious possible problems, then why and how are Tier 1 wireless carriers doing it? Because they partner with an optics solutions provider that addresses their concerns and adds significant value, Integra Optics.

Integra manufactures 100% interoperable transceivers across all OEM platforms, offering the largest inventory of transceivers and fiber optic components in the Western Hemisphere. Using high-speed robots, Integra delivers optics correctly coded and tested 100% of the time.




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