Innovations in DC power switching from OMRON

There is a great opportunity within the energy and energy services industries for significant improvements in efficiency. Through wind power, solar, and others, it’s clear that societies across the world are capable of generating power from green sources. However, transferring that power to an everyday-usable state requires a wide range of switching, relay, and storage technologies. In this article, explore the benefits of the latest DC power-switching components from Omron, available in numerous topologies and voltages to suit modern needs.

Omron’s Device and Module Solutions aim to improve lives and contribute to a better society. With that goal in mind, Omron has been building upon existing components technology to meet the requirements of new tech worldwide. These new components include Omron’s core product line, relays. Relays can be found within most electronics with remote switching. They allow logic and sensing to switch a wide variety of loads, contributing to convenience and safety in end products.

One of the key focus industries that align with Omron’s goals for the betterment of society is the Energy industry. This industry has shifted and grown to appreciate the importance of renewable energy and environmental sustenance. Products like Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Energy Storage Systems, and EV chargers have become more prevalent and require switching at high DC voltage. To meet these needs Omron has created a large variety of relay products with high-voltage capabilities for DC switching.

While the target of the relay designs was rooted in energy applications, the products can find use in many other end-devices. The wide range of capabilities of these DC relays spread their usability from simple power supplies and batteries to switching inverter and servo motors within factory automation applications. New Omron DC relays offer a variety of load options with varying footprint sizes, providing potential downsizing from contactors or other switching solutions. The relays are manufactured to safely eliminate arc in high DC voltage scenarios, and many also offer bi-directional switching, improving both cost and convenience in design. Omron strives to reduce limitations when it comes to switching components.

Key features and benefits of Omron’s DC Relays:

  • Variety of Switching Current and Voltage Models
    • Multiple products ranging from 10A, 500VDC to 50A, 600VDC switching capabilities.
  • Bi-Directional DC Switching Options
    • Removing the need for two relays and additional circuitry for bi-directional current applications. Ex) Charge/Discharge Designs.
  • Advanced Arc Cut-off Technology
    • Arcing generated by high power switching quickly diminished, providing safety for the relay, end product, and user.
  • Low Contact Resistance for High Power Switching
    • High power brings high temperature, Omron’s low contact resistance focus vastly reduces temperature rise through relay contacts.



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