Inside something real: Aerospace and defense from Honeywell

When it comes to aerospace and defense, taking flight has evolved in every imaginable way as we design for connected aircraft, sensor health monitoring, and reduced down-time.

For the last 100 years, Honeywell products have been featured inside mission critical designs that include flight decks and controls, engine and APU, doors, slides and cargo, landing gear, and more. Explore the myriad solutions Honeywell has to offer for designs that matter most.

Aerospace sensor solutions include:

  •  Sealed limit switches and gap sensors for aircraft landing gear
  •  Integrated health monitoring (IHM) proximity sensors for thrust systems
  •  Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) sensors for engines

Ground transportation solutions include:

  •  Sealed switch sensors for tank door operation
  •  Transportation attitude reference system inertial measurement units (TARS-IMU) for tank stabilization reporting
  •  Resolvers for determining a tank’s elevation and angular movement

Find everything you need and explore Honeywell’s evolved aerospace and defense components on



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