LT7200S: Quad 18V, ±5A synchronous monolithic step-down regulator

The LT7200S is a quad-channel, high-efficiency monolithic synchronous buck regulator, capable of sinking/sourcing 5A to the load per channel. Its multichannel flexibility is ideal for powering complex systems with a compact layout. The operating supply voltage range is from 2.9V to 18V, making it suitable for various supply applications from a 3.3V, 5V to 12V supply.

Key Features and Benefits

  • High efficiency at high switching frequencies across entire load
  • Accurate and highly configurable with multichannel sequencing, tracking, and output paralleling
  • Wide output voltage range for greater flexibility


  • Data Center: Distributed power systems, server power applications
  • Communications: FGPA point of load
  • Industrial Automation: Point of load power supplies, high accuracy power supply for FPGA, power supply with sequencing
  • Instrumentation and Measurement: Small form factor power supply

Evaluation Board

The LT7200S can be evaluated with the DC2851A.

Block Diagrams and Tables





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