Read this white paper to learn about the technology and design benefits of Infineon’s MERUS™ Multilevel Class D Audio Amplifiers that support ultra-compact and low-power applications.
In recent decades, switch-mode audio amplification has been the preferred method to bring an input audio signal to life.The various switch-mode amplifier topologies, known collectively as class D amplifiers, are popular due to their low power consumption, small size, and low heat generation – especially when compared to earlier class AB amplifiers.
Traditional class D amplifiers can achieve an efficiency of 90 percent or better at the highest output power.However, efficiency at typical music volume listening levels is only around 50 percent or less.This and other limitations have inspired Infineon’s MERUS™ audio product designers to develop a new generation of amplifiers with high efficiency at all listening levels – the multilevel class D amplifier.This new class of amplifiers excel in applications that require small size, low heat dissipation, and/or low power consumption which is the case for an increasing number of compact and demanding audio applications.