Molex's Solutions for Aerospace & Defense Applications

In the aerospace and defense industries, consistent and reliable designs without the risk of downtime and poor performance are crucial. Discover how Molex offers a vast portfolio of ready for anything solutions for any aerospace or defense project.

Printed circuit solutions for defense and aerospace applications

Electronics designed into defense and aerospace electronics require a lightweight, compact and easy to use design while remaining reliable under harsh conditions. In other words, despite shrinking in size and growing in functionality, defense designers must squeeze more functionality into devices without sacrificing ruggedness.

Molex can deliver printed circuitry to meet a broad range of defense and aerospace design needs and understands defense and aerospace standards and protocols required to meet strict specifications. Molex offers manufacturing in the United States and ensures utmost security on any U.S. defense and aerospace product they design and manufacture. Discover more about the Molex advantage.

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Molex fiber-optic interconnects for military applications

Copper interconnects have been king for many years as it was the best option for handling extreme vibrations, heat, moisture and dirt. But fiber optic interconnect solutions are quickly becoming a fierce competitor for military-grade systems, especially as the military becomes more dependent on data and video transmissions that require larger communication pipes to drive radar, avionics and surveillance systems.

Fiber optic interconnects also perform better than copper in the critical SWaP (size, weight and power) areas, and they have immunity to EMI/RFI. Fiber is a non-conductor, so signals transmitted over the medium are not affected by the electronics/electrical environment around them; this creates an added security benefit as well.

Ready to learn more? Explore the benefits of Molex fiber optic interconnects including reliability under rugged conditions, field-tested consistency and streamlined maintenance for any environment.

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Molex system interconnects for military vehicles moving to gigabit-speed in harsh conditions

The U.S. armed forces have tactical vehicles that specifically employ on-the-move SATCOM systems, high speed data links and multiple-mission computing systems. Unmanned cargo vehicles with autonomous driving systems that navigate via use of high-definition streaming video are also on the horizon. This system innovation has created a demand for high-performance rugged interconnects.

Despite the demand, connectors developed thirty years ago are still in use today. That’s because up until now, they have remained adequate. Analog signals and low-speed digital signals work just fine with military 38999 circular connector cable assemblies, and system designers know these components will have continued support and availability.

In addition to the comfort of knowing “what works” the switch to gigabit speeds is proving to be difficult. The standard military circular is not designed for high speed, and if equipped with special contacts, the circular requires a lot of panel space. So how can design help to overcome these challenges? Molex has the answer. Continue reading and discover how to make 10 GigE a reality for military vehicles.

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Molex’s mission-critical solutions for aerospace and defense

Mission requirements for speed, bandwidth and performance are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Whether you specify commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components or complete custom subassemblies, Molex offers solutions grounded in experience, responsive engineering expertise and worldwide production capabilities to drive your aerospace and defense design needs.

Ready for anything solutions
Need to design for high-speed, high-density signal delivery with absolute transmission integrity? Discover Molex’s wide portfolio that includes RF/microwave connectors and cable assemblies; single, multi-layer and rigid copper flex assemblies; low-loss Temp-Flex® cable, optical solutions and rugged copper cable assemblies.

Custom design
Need a customized solution? Molex also supplies complete electronic solutions. This includes the ability to design a uniquely configured product to match your exact specifications.

Reduce risk and increase control
Leverage Molex’s vertically integrated and responsive in-house design, manufacturing and assembly services that includes engineering support from rapid-iteration prototyping to final delivery.

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