Power the Future with Silicon Carbide Technology

Silicon Carbide (SiC) technology provides the flexibility needed for future industrial and automotive power applications, enabling your designs to become smaller and more efficient with reduced costs.

SiC transistors are being adopted, penetrating smoothly into different applications. Today the market is still being driven by diodes used in power factor correction (PFC) and photovoltaic (PV) applications. However, we expect that in five years from now the main SiC device market driver will be transistors.

Infineon Wideband Gap Technologies

Watch this training from Infineon to learn about Silicon Carbide and GaN wideband gap technologies and their advantages over traditional silicon solutions, and learn how to choose the optimal wideband gap technology for different topologies.

Learn more: CoolGaN™ – The New Power Paradigm

Silicon Carbide is ideal for higher voltage, higher power, and higher frequency applications

The benefits of Silicon Carbide solutions include lower switching losses, allowing you to use smaller, lighter, lower-cost components. Watch this presentation from Microsemi to learn about Silicon Carbide wideband gap technologies for discrete and power management and their advantages over standard silicon solutions.






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