What could be considered as the ideal switch? Is the TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 the ideal switch for you?

All good things come in threes, especially when dealing with power semiconductor devices.

Gallium Nitride (GaN) enables new horizons in power supply applications and audio fidelity targeting 80 – 600 V. Silicon Carbide (SiC) enables new solutions in many applications thanks to its high power and high switching frequency. Silicon Carbide targets blocking voltages from 650 V – 3.3 kV. Silicon, however, remains the mainstream technology since it is suitable from low to high power applications with voltage classes from 25 V – 6.5 kV.

Infineon is your one-stop-shop when it comes to all three power semiconductor technologies and a clear leader in Si-based IGBT discretes and modules.

Today, the IGBT comes very close to being considered an ideal switch. From speed- controlled, low-power compressor drives in refrigerators via low and medium power industrial drives up to high power traction drives in railways: the IGBT has taken over a dominant position within the last decades.

Throughout the years the IGBT has further improved, the latest TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 chip generation is based on micro-pattern trenches for greatly reduced losses and a high level of controllability. Compared to the previous generations, IGBT7 offers numerous features & benefits:

  • Operation temperature of Tvjop = 175°C under overload conditions
  • 20% lower on-stage voltage compared to IGBT4, a key for higher power density and lifetime
  • Micro-pattern trench technology for a high level of controllability, allowing a facilitated design-in
  • 15% lower power losses to meet energy efficiency requirements
  • Higher power density helps to avoid paralleling of the IGBT devices, leading to simplification of the inverter design and lower costs


  • Industrial Drives (Servo Drives, General Purpose Drives, Medium Voltage Drives)
  • Integrated Motor Drives (like Servo, HVAC, Pumps)
  • Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
  • Commercial HVAC system
  • Solutions for photovoltaic energy systems
  • Power conversion systems
  • Power converter and inverter for wind turbines
  • Hydrogen electrolyzer

Every switch needs a driver and so does IGBT7

Infineon’s gate driver family EiceDRIVER™ gate driver ICs are optimized to match the latest application needs in terms of timing, driving capability, and isolation requirements according to UL 1577 and VDE 0884-11 certification.

TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT7 requires high output current gate drivers that need to have reinforced isolation (VDE 0884-11 certified). Infineon’s EiceDRIVER™ isolated gate drivers within the X3 Compact, 2L-SRC, and X3 Enhanced families meet these requirements while providing their differentiated characteristics. The X3 Compact family provides an easy-to-design and cost-effective solution while the 2L-SRC family provides a high-performance option. The X3 Enhanced family consists of an analog version providing best-in-class DESAT accuracy and a digital version that offers I2C configurability that enables predictive maintenance.

Training Introduction to IGBT7

2 Minutes on IGBT7 Discretes

Next Generation IGBTs vs. Silicon Carbide (SiC): Which is the Ideal Solution?

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