Arrow2Go Webinar Series “The Ethernet Revolution”

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Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) enables continuous IP communication from the edge to the cloud of both Information Technology (IT) and Operations Technology (OT) networks. It can also supply power to complex Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions. SPE represents the next milestone in network technology and will revolutionize the market. SPE provides the extension of Ethernet technology into sensor technology.

This webinar series by the Single Pair Ethernet System Alliance will introduce you to the latest developments in SPE technology:

  - Part 1 will cover the various IEEE standards involved. It will provide an introduction to 10BASE-T1S
     and the connector ecosystem.The SPE System Alliance will be introduced.
  - Part 2 will cover 100BASE-T1 and higher speed networks.
  - Part 3 will introduce Time Sensitive Networking and how it is used with SPE.

The Single Pair Ethernet System Alliance is a worldwide association of leading technology companies. It seeks to implement and further develop the pioneering Single Pair Ethernet technology.

The webinar will also cover these topics:
SPE 10BASE-T1S technology is compact, flexible, and enables edge nodes to be connected all the way to the cloud using a multidrop bus topology which eliminates expensive industrial infrastructure like switches. SPE allows the extension of existing installations and supports consistent communication based on the Ethernet protocol. 10BASE-T1L provides point-to-point connections over distances up to 1 km. Higher speed versions of SPE, up to the Gbps range allow for higher data throughput and can serve as backbones to aggregate data from multiple sources.

Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) enables the synchronization of participants in an Ethernet network so they all run off the same clock. It also includes bandwidth reservation to provide determinism and reduced latency to data transmissions.

Who should attend?
Intended for engineers, key decision makers and anyone who wants to learn how to enable SPE products

Part I - The Ethernet Revolution Single Pair Ethernet | OnDemand
This webinar will give an overview of Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) technologies that are bringing Ethernet to the edge of industrial networks.

Henry Muyshondt | Senior Manager, Microchip Inc.
Verena Neuhaus | Manager Product Marketing Data Connectors, Phoenix Contact
Janus Piwek | Market Development Engineer - Microchip, Arrow
Matthias Goeing | Senior Embedded Solutions Engineer, Microchip

Language: English


Part II - The Ethernet Revolution Single Pair Ethernet | 24 March 2022
This webinar will cover 100BASE-T1 and higher speed networks.

Mike Jones | Microchip
Janus Piwek | Market Development Engineer - Microchip, Arrow
Matthias Goeing | Senior Embedded Solutions Engineer, Microchip

Language: English


Part III - Realtime Ethernet Revolution – Time Sensitive Networks | 26 April 2022
This webinar will introduce Time Sensitive Networking.

More details and registration coming soon



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