ADMV1014: 24 GHz to 44 GHz, Wideband, Microwave Downconverter

The ADMV1014 is a silicon germanium (SiGe), wideband, microwave downconverter optimized for point to point microwave radio designs operating in the 24 GHz to 44 GHz frequency range.


Features and Benefits:

- Wideband RF input frequency range: 24 GHz to 44 GHz
- 2 downconversion modes
- Direct conversion from RF to baseband I/Q
- Image rejecting downconversion to complex IF
- LO input frequency range: 5.4 GHz to 10.25 GHz
- LO quadrupler for up to 41 GHz
- Matched 50 Ω, single-ended RF input, and complex IF outputs
- Option between matched 100 Ω balanced or 50 Ω single-ended LO inputs
- 100 Ω balanced baseband I/Q output impedance with adjustable output common-mode voltage level
- Image rejection optimization
- Square law power detector for setting mixer input power
- Variable attenuator for receiver power control
- Programmable via a 4-wire SPI interface
- 32-terminal, 5 mm × 5 mm LGA package


- Point to point microwave radios
- Radar, electronic warfare systems
- Instrumentation, automatic test equipment (ATE)

Product Lifecycle: Recommended for new designs. This product has been released to the market. The data sheet contains all final specifications and operating conditions. For new designs, ADI recommends utilization of these products.

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