Infineon and the Future of Industrial Robotics

Infineon addresses trends in the robotics market that will shape the future of the industry. Specifically, a rising demand for shrinking the size of the control box, managing safety in collaborative and non-collaborative environments, changing topologies, and increased security features to protect from counterfeit and hacking.

As participants in the production process, robots help to automate production and take over accident-prone and highly repetitive tasks. In the past, industrial robots were primarily designed with just a few axes, used for example in carrying car bodies or taking over welding in production. The ongoing robotic revolution brought about a new type of industrial robots, called collaborative robots or “cobots”, which interact directly and work alongside humans, abandoning the need of safety cells. They are equipped with advanced sensing and control technologies components which are able to limit power and force in order to prevent them from running into clamping and contact situations, and thus meet high safety requirements.

Several trends in the robotic market will shape the future of the industry. There is a rising demand for:

Shrinking the size of the control box owing to the increasing demands for high power density, high level of accuracy, integration and efficiency.

Managing safety solutions which ensure safety in collaborative and non-collaborative environments have added value.

Various topologies for axes, joints and motors.

Security features that protect intellectual property from counterfeiting and ensure the safety of the robot.

With its dedicated solutions for industrial robotic markets, Infineon is able to meet these requirements. Regardless of the robot’s size, number of axes and payload, its wide product portfolio has the right solution for nearly any industrial robot design. Infineon's microcontrollers, power and sensor product solutions offer high power density, efficiency, security and flexibility of movement. In addition, advanced sensing technologies prevent clamping and contact situations, which facilitates working in the collaborative environment. Its security solutions safeguard robots against counterfeit and unexpected line downs, and protect customer’s intellectual property.

Explore Infineon’s semiconductor portfolio to discover solutions that will take your industrial robotics and “cobot“ designs into the future of manufacturing.

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