Infineon's Product Portfolio for BLDC: Introduction to Brushless DC Motors

Generally, there are a lot of different motor types available on the market, including DC motors, induction motors, server motors, and many others. In the end, the decision for a customer on a specific motor type depends upon the requirements of the application and the advantages of the respective motor type. In many cases, the advantages of brushless DC (BLDC) motors are evident. The Infineon product line offers increased efficiency Longer lifetime compared to brushed motors, no sparking, and high reliability by offering a wide range of speed and a huge amount of torque

Hi folks, today I would like to present you Infineon's product portfolio for Brushless DC Motors, commonly just called BLDC. Generally, there are a lot of different motor types available on the market like DC motors, induction motors, server motors and many others.

In the end, the decision of the customer on a specific motor type, depends on the requirements of the application and the advantages of the respective motor type. In this case, the advantages of BLDCs are evident: increased efficiency, longer lifetime compared to brushed motors, no sparking, high reliability by offering a wide range of speed and a huge amount of torque.

Before we start with Infineon's product portfolio, let's have a look at the construction and the working principle of a BLDC motor. Generally, a BLDC motor is a voltage driven motor which either uses a 2-phase or a 3-phase voltage inverter. The BLDC consists of a rotating part, the rotor, and a stationary part, the stator. The rotor itself has surface mounted permanent magnets whereas the stator contains stator windings.

Compared to a brushed motor, the BLDC achieves commutation not by a physical commutator, the brushes, but by power transistors that switch and sync with the rotor position.

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