In-Store Inventory Management

In-Store Inventory Management

Ensuring adequate inventory is a must for any retailer. Real-time inventory management involves using barcode scanners, inventory software and IoT devices to instantly record transactions and movement of goods, and then employing analytics to plan stocking processes accordingly. Apart from accurate and instantaneous sync of stock levels with the front-end store point of sales, real-time inventory management also extends to tracking the inventory as it enters the stock, leaves the stock, and at all stages of its movement until it reaches the customer.

Intel® Retail Sensor Platform


An end-to-end solution designed to help system integrators and retailers quickly create and deploy innovative retail solutions informed by analytics


This simple-to-install solution manages RFID-based retail sensors through an Intel®-based gateway, and supports analytics capabilities from the edge to the cloud. It also provides an easily deployable cloud and big data analytics architecture provided by the Responsive Retail Sensor Cloud Software, allowing system integrators the ability to deliver applications that can boost retail profitability and provide new insight into product demand, consumer behavior and store logistics.

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