WEBINAR: 10Base-T1L System Design Considerations with Analog Devices


OnDemand Webinar | (Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2022)

Duration: 1 hour

10BASE-T1L is a new Ethernet physical layer standard (IEEE 802.3cg-2019) that was approved within IEEE towards the end of 2019.

It has the potential to dramatically change the process automation industry. It brings the widely internet protocol (IP) based world of information technology (IT) much closer to the operation technology (OT) domain. All based on an in advance defined standard. T1L communicates over a single pair of data lines. The majority of system devices shall also be powered over this same pair of cables. Once you plan to develop your own device with 10Base-T1L interface, you’ll find yourself faced by many system design aspects to consider.

Let’s start to develop answers to these challenges with the knowledge from Analog Devices that we will share in this webinar.

ADI Chronous™ is the leading portfolio of edge-to-enterprise Industrial Ethernet connectivity solutions, specifically designed to accelerate your path to Industry 4.0. ADI has leveraged its deep domain expertise and advanced technologies to connect the industrial devices and networks of the future. Our trusted solutions ensure your critical data is reliably delivered throughout your application, ensuring seamless connectivity and operational efficiency. ADI Chronous solutions stand up in the toughest, time-critical environments and opens the door to gigabit and 10BASE-T1L connectivity.



Joachim Preissner
Applications Engineer for Industrial Ethernet Technology | at Analog Devices
Joachim Preissner is applications engineer at Analog Devices for industrial ethernet technology. He holds a master degree in electrical engineering and microelectronics from the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen. With more than 30 years in business he made and lead ASIC designs for communication networks, supported customers in FPGA designs and power management, and speaks HDLs and protocols.


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