Condition-based Monitoring from Sensor to Cloud

We are inviting you to join this unique web-training where you get to learn about an end-to-end Condition-based Monitoring solution.

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Condition-based Monitoring (CbM) and Predictive Maintenance is not the revolution of HW. It is about gathering data from equipments, extracting meaningful information to optimize the use of resources. Users are looking for solutions that are easy to deploy, install and which can be seamlessly integrated to an existing infrastructure. Developers and makers of new industrial systems and products should spend most of their time creating features that differentiate their product. These efforts are not HW related, but are the nuances of SW and Cloud features.

In this unique web-training you will hear about reference designs and development platforms such as the Analog Devices CN0549, the EV-CBM-VOYAGER3-1Z, and a CbM solution from Shiratech Solutions, the iCOMOX™. With these platforms customers can significantly reduce their time spent on HW development and focus on what’s really important.


* Hover over the text in the agenda to find out more


CbM from Sensor
to Cloud

May 27, 2021

10:00-14:30 CET


As an open, embedded sensor-to-cloud platform, iCOMOX monitors operating conditions from the surface of equipment for early identification of potential faults, subsequently reducing the risks/costs associated with system operation and maintenance. This capability extends the lifetime of equipment, reduces unplanned downtime and cuts maintenance costs. The iCOMOX solution is using cutting-edge machine learning and AI methods on the device and in the cloud to unlock the potential for cost savings and fast Return on Investment.

MindSphere is the IoT as a service solution from Siemens. It allows for recording and analyzing large volumes of production and performance data. While MindSphere enables you to collect, analyze and visualize machine data to discover actionable insights, it takes this analysis and insight development to a new level with the closed-loop digital twin, analytics at the edge, streaming analytics and low-code development. MindSphere brings the entire digital twin concept full circle. With the ability to collect live performance data during production and product use, users achieve a closed-loop digital twin that allows them to immediately update simulations and apply near real-time data to operations to improve production rates and product quality. As a hybrid cloud and edge solution, data can be continuously streamed, processed and analyzed at the edge for critical decision-making, or sent to the cloud for more robust analysis and storage. Uniquely, MindSphere offers scalable solutions, allowing companies to get started quickly while tailoring their IoT projects to their specific business needs by using ready-made applications, or by building or enhancing their own applications.

Codestryke was founded in 2017 and supports manufacturers and distributors of industrial equipment from the conception to the development and operation of Industrial IoT solutions. Codestryke's software is used globally by over 50 customers on over 4.5 million machines and devices. Its own middleware - VergeLink - often forms the basis for IoT-based business models and use cases.


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