CES 2018: Memorable Moments with Arrow & Indiegogo

We’re excited to share our experience with you. From Indiegogo entrepreneur demos to the Arduino giveaway, check out some of Arrow and Indiegogo’s biggest highlights!

We showcased how, together, Arrow & Indiegogo put every resource at our disposal in the hands of entrepreneurs. From crowdfunding expertise, design consultation to manufacturing support.

We gave Indiegogo entrepreneurs the stage to demonstrate their Arrow Certified Technology to thousands of viewers in Eureka Park – a specialized exhibit at CES that provides startups a unique exhibiting opportunity to launch a new product, service or idea.

To further enable innovation, we gave away thousands of Arduino Uno Rev3s and provided engineering tips and advice. Through Arrow, thousands now have one of the best development platforms to start creating something new, innovative, or simply just fun!

To top it off, Arrow unveiled its Guinness World Records for the Longest Resistor Chain - an epic display of 40,000 resistors!

Interested in getting engineering, crowdfunding and marketing support? Take advantage of the Arrow Certification Program. Take the first step and get your technology reviewed by our engineers.

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