Efficient, compact, and configurable EV charging solutions

Popularity and availability of electric vehicles (EVs) continues to rapidly grow worldwide. That growth is causing an equal increase in the demand for rapid DC charging solutions. In this video, learn about new products from Imagen Energy and Intel that will revolutionize EV charging.

Next Generation of DC Fast Charging Solutions

Compared to legacy fast charging systems, the Imagen + Intel solution is 5X smaller, offers 96%-99% efficiency, and reduces costs by up to 30%. Instead of being available in a single bulky unit, the new system is composed of two smaller components. These are the IM100 inverter and the EV100 fast charger.

  •  IM100 DC/AC Bi-directional Inverter
  • •  Extremely compact 4U (7”) standard rack mount
  • •  480V 3phase AC / 720V – 1000VDC
  • •  Transformer-less
  • •  Grid-tie or stand-alone
  • •  Filter + contactors included
  • •  AC and DC fuses included
  • •  AC disconnect included
  • •  BMS I/F
  • •  Advanced 3-level topology (Minimizes THD and EMI)
  • •  98.5% efficiency
  • •  Air-cooled
  • •  FPGA-based control
  • •  Modbus or CAN system control

  •  EV-100 EV Fast DC Charger
  • •  Extremely compact
  • •  Output: 100VDC-500VDC, 200A
  • •  Rated power: 100kW at 40C
  • •  High-frequency transformer isolation
  • •  Maximum efficiency: 99%
  • •  Communication: SAE J1772 CCS1/CCS2 and CHAdeMO
  • •  Filter + contactors included
  • •  AC and DC fuses included
  • •  Advanced topology (increasing efficiency and reducing EMI)
  • •  Air-cooled
  • •  FPGA-based control
  • •  Modbus or CAN system control

At its core, this EV charging solution is efficient, compact, and scalable. Size reduction is achieved through the use of a miniaturized transformer. One IM100 can serve multiple EV100s, making it easier for property owners to add a fleet of EV charging stations to their project. An Intel FPGA serves as the centerpiece for each unit, performing all functions and providing very high bandwidth control.

Intel, Imagen, and Arrow are here to support your EV charging project at every step of the way. For more information, contact your Arrow representative.

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