Fan Termination Assembly

Please read below the transcripted text from the Fan Termination Assembly from the Arrow Production series.

**Transcripted Text**

If you require assistance in the selection, design or modification of fans, blowers or a complete thermal management solution, look no further than the Production Services team at Arrow. We understand the critical nature of keeping ever-shrinking electronic equipment cooled properly even as functionality and power demands continue to grow. Arrow can efficiently meet your cooling needs – regardless of your volume requirements.

Whatever your application we have the cooling devices and accessories you need, and regional specialists available to assist in design and selection decisions with the expertise to customize off-the-shelf products to your exact specs before they ever leave our warehouse. Services ranges from simple addition of a custom termination to building complex sub-assemblies. If you require modification to a standard fan or blower your custom specs are documented and all work is completed at our Mexico-based Arrow facility that takes advantage of low cost labor rates, quick turnaround, Arrow’s Global Quality Management system and standards and is compliant with current industry certifications.

Assembled products are then tested and shipped directly to your facility. Our low cost fan termination & assembly services allow you to order the parts you need and have them modified to your specs – all with a single purchase order. Arrow Production Services. We make parts production ready…so you don't have to.

For more information about our Fan Termination & Assembly, or other Production Services visit


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