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Linear low-voltage-drop LED driver board with BCR430U

Test the performance of Infineon’s BCR430U controller IC with the BCR430U-LED-Board.

The BCR430U-LED-Board features Infineon’s BCR430U LED Driver IC, regulating the LED current in standalone operation without any external power transistor. The very low voltage drop of the BCR430U allows using more LEDs in a string, which enables the BCR430U-LED-Board  to drive eight LEDs with just one controller IC.

The LED current level can be adjusted from 5mA to 100mA connecting a high ohmic resistor R set to pin RS.

A stable output current ensures a homogenous light output, while smart over-temperature protection avoids degradation of LEDs over lifetime. This makes the BCR430U the perfect device for engineers who need to design low-cost, highly reliable linear LED driver solutions for LED strips, LED displays and channel letters, architectural and landscape lighting, retail lighting and white goods.

Typical Solution:

  • AC/DC power conversion: CoolSET™       
  • Linear LED Driver IC: ILD or BCR series

Try the 3D model and get close-up visualization of the board and the BCR430U part. Click on the part and learn more about its features and performance.

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