Infineon's Solutions for Embedded Systems

Flexible, scalable and easy to use designs.

Major home appliances have become indispensable to our daily routine. They ease our chores and with IoT functionalities built into them, they help us optimize our lives. To enable them to execute these functionalities, system designers and manufacturers need power supply designs with embedded intelligence.

Designing the power supply and microcontroller subsystem is typically complex and troublesome, yet necessary, which is why most of designers and manufacturers seek solutions that fit their needs and do not require any special care. Time and effort spent in designing power supply systems, and in some cases the microcontroller subsystem, can be reduced by using a trouble-free, EMA-friendly power supply and microcontroller in which the firmware can be easily implemented.

This is why Infineon has decided to build a scalable and broad range of products and reference designs aimed at helping its customers with best fitting solutions, tailored to different customer needs. Infineon’s reference designs for embedded systems are flexible, scalable and easy to reuse. Infineon offers a wide portfolio of 32-bit ARM based microcontrollers, perfectly suited for embedded systems, motor control and lighting applications. Also, a wide range of power supply components is available in the form of ready-to-use reference designs.

Depending on your needs, you can select very low-cost power supply reference designs, featuring high integration, or use a platform approach to reuse the same power designs for different products that need different power supplies. If you need high efficiency to meet energy star labels, or to improve overall thermal performance, Infineon offers highly efficient power supply reference designs.

Infineon’s offer of comprehensive reference designs and application notes helps designers and manufacturers dramatically improve the efficiency of their power supply by using secondary side synchronous rectification instead of rectifier diodes.

Designing a power supply with synchronous rectification is a complex task. Infineon has made it simple with easy-to-use high efficiency reference designs featuring built-in secondary side synchronous rectification. You can focus on your core business, while Infineon takes care of pulling together the power and computing solution you need by delivering a wide range of reference designs focused on embedded systems and tailored to your needs.


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