Silicon Labs Nexus Haus Smart House

Please read below the transcripted text from our video detailing Nexus Haus Smart House.

**Transcripted Text**

I'm here with Julia Park at the UT NexusHaus project. Julia, can you tell us a little bit about the project?

Essentially, it's a smart home system that focuses on how to encourage home owners to live more sustainably because we really want to change the way people live and make them aware of their footprint. And I heard that you're using a Sensor Puck in the project.

And that was something we're especially interested in.

Could you tell us a little bit more about how you're using Sensor Puck in the project?

It has a bunch of sensors on a tiny little board, and it's also wireless if we need it to be, which is great. And it gives us a great amount of flexibility.

What we're using it specifically the temperature and humidity sensors to control the HVAC, for example, or also...if the home owner is curious about how their home is doing and they're away from home, they can check on it wirelessly through the Internet, which is what we're basing our system around.

But because it has so many sensors and so many capabilities, in the future, we can expand our system to using its light sensors for example.


Maybe conserve energy a bit that way.

I see. Cool.

Thanks a lot for all the information.

Thank you.

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