The Waggit Health & Wellbeing Monitor for Dogs

Waggit provides key indicators and insights on all facets of your dog’s life, helping you proactively manage their health and vitality. Waggit comes fully equipped with the latest health, activity, and location tracking technology, learns your dog’s personal baselines, and provides early indicators of potential health issues through the integrated Waggit app.

This is Waggit: a health and well-being monitor that can improve and possibly extend the life of your dog.With help from Arrow, Waggit tackled their manufacturing challenges and they are now bringing their idea to market. Arrow supported Waggit with its engineering expertise, supply chain resources, and vendor relationships to help them get the components they needed to meet “crazy tight” deadlines. Plus, as part of the Arrow Certification Program, Waggit’s product design received Arrow Certified Technology, giving them access to even more benefits.  According to Carrie Dolan, Waggit co-founder, “The Arrow Certified Technology badge on our Indiegogo page was a huge help.” It gave backers confidence and boosted their credibility on Indiegogo, and, on top of all that, Waggit received $50,000 in Arrow Flash Funding.

Do you have a tech idea? Join the Arrow Certification Program now!

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