VEML6075 UVA and UVB Light

Accurately detect UVA and UVB intensity and benefit from precise ultra-violet index calculation with Vishay’s VEML6075, an excellent sensor for technology like wearables as well as industrial applications such as pollution detection, particle detection, and material detection. VEML6075 utilizes Filtron™ technology for highly accurate UVA/UVB detection, and with a low profile package and 16-bit resolution, this sensor delivers the most precise detection with optimum efficiency.

Hi my name is Elena Poklonskaya and I am the product marketing manager for optoelectronics sensors group at Vishay. Today I am going to introduce you to one of the Super12 products, the VEML6075.  VEML6075 is the first digital optical sensor that can detect UVA and UVB intensity. It is also able to provide you the measure of the signal trends and the truly ultra-violent index calculation. 

Ultra-violent index, called UVI, is the indication on how many UV radiation will reach your skin if you go outside. It will allow you to give precaution to avoid sunburn in the short term and avoid skin cancer in the long term. VEML6075 adopts the FiltronTM technology for super sensitive for the UVA and UVB. 

It is also high resolution with the 16-bit resolution for each channel and has excellent temperature compensation and low profile package at 1 mm. The VEML6075 is perfect for applications in wearables like smartwatch fitness band, clothing like shirts and swimsuit. It is also good for industrial applications such as pollution detection, particle detection, and material detection. 

Learn more.

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